Walmartopia the new musical which made it's preimere at The New York Musical Theater Festival, has undergone a makeover and is now in an open-ended commercial run at off-Broadway's Minetta Lane Theater. I loved the concept of the musical, but there was something not quite right about the production. The songs were there as was the talent, but it seemed to drag on and on. I found myself looking at the program wanting to know what the next song was, not because I loved the score, which for the most part was passable, but because I was counting down the songs until both intermission, and the final bow.
Walmartopia is the story of a mother(Vicki) and daughter(Maia). A mother who works at Wal-Mart, and keeps getting passed up for promotions to her male counterparts, something that actually happens and Wal-Mart has been sued for. She is so grossly underpaid that she and her daughter, whom also happens to work at Wal-Mart for the summer, have to be on welfare and the state health insurance program because they cannot afford Wal-Mart's health insurance, oh yeah and did I mention they live in a hotel? When there are rumblings of a union organization starting to take place, Vicki not wanting to ruffle any feathers warns her daughter not to get involved. Vicki then goes to meet with her manager only to find out that she is being passed up once again by a younger male co-worker. Wah wah, such is the tragedy of her life, you'd think for as good of a worker as she is, she would be able to find a job somewhere at a Target, or even a Starbucks(where they pay your health insurance, and pay you more an hour). But no she submits herself to the torture of working at Wal-Mart. Vicki kind of reaching the point where she has had enough decides to join the union movement at her store.
The story gets even weirder when Vicky and Maia get picked to be in a paegent to represent the women of Wal-Mart, a PR move to focus their attention away from their impending sexual discrimination suit. *Yawn* Anyway, they have a chance to talk with the Wal-Mart Chairman of the Board, Mr. Smiley(clever I know), about forming a union at Wal-Mart. Then they see the head of Sam Walton which can talk and is attached to a moving wheelchair unit. Yep I just typed that, Sam Walton's head. They get thrown into the future to prevent them from talking. They arrive 35 years in the future where Wal-Mart is supreme ruler of the world, except for in Vermont which has declaired itself a historic preservation zone to prevent Wal-Mart from coming in to build.
Vicki and Maia both get thrown into Prison-Mart(very uncreative) and then meet a prisioner Zeb, who works for Wal-Arts(Yawn), which produces all forms of entertainment in Walmartopia. He convinces the artistic director to give them a job as actors in Wal-Arts' newest production, about support for the war in Vermont. Wah wah. Maia speaks out and gets thrown back into prison, and Vicki gets worried because she doesn't want to ruffle feathers again. Long story short, very short, Vicki gets over caring about not causing a stir and starts fighting for herself, she then speaks out against the evil voices in Walmartopia and leads people to follow their dreams, which shatters Wal-Marts hold on the them. Vicki and Maia stay in the future and lead a crusade against Wal-Marts worldwide. Yay for happy endings!
The score was good, but some songs needed to be cut. It was almost a contrast to the book of the musical because of the fact that all the songs were soulful and belty for the most part and I wanted something comic and light. I mean I liked the score as a stand-alone piece but not in relation to the musical. The book was full of lame jokes that missed more than they scored. The most I laughed all night was when Vicki messed up one of her lines during the lead-in for a song.
The performers talents were wasted on this show. It was lacking so much for something with so much potential. I guess this new commercial production did what most of us do growing up, we don't live up to our potential. I went in with high hopes but they were not upheld. Go see Walmartopia if you are mindless, but don't see it if you like being entertained. It does look like the official website is no longer up and running, so it leads me to believe that the show will be closing sooner than opposed to later.
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